Core Project Team
Project Collaborators
Advisory Board
Core Project Team
Wenwen Li
Project Lead
Principal Investigator, NSF Award 2230034
Professor, Arizona State University
I am a geospatial information scientist specializing in cyberinfrastructure, AI, and big data…
Anna Liljedahl
Principal Investigator, NSF Award 2230035
Associate Scientist, Woodwell Climate Research Center
I integrate field measurements, remote sensing, and computational modeling to better understand…
Matthew Jones
Co-Principal Investigator, NSF Award 2230034
Director of Research and Development, Informatics, National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara
My research focuses on environmental informatics, and particularly software for management…
Kenton McHenry
Co-Principal Investigator, NSF Award 2230035
Associate Director of Software, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
I apply my experience in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence towards research and…
Chia-Yu Hsu
Senior Personnel
Research Professional, Arizona State University
I am a research professional specializing in deep learning and computer vision for remote sensing…
Patricia Solis
Senior Personnel
Executive Director, Knowledge Exchange for Resilience, Arizona State University
I am Executive Director of the Knowledge Exchange for Resilience at Arizona State University, a…
Luigi Marini
Senior Personnel
Lead Research Software Engineer, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
I am a lead research software engineer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications…
Carmen Galaz García
Data Scientist
National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara
Xiao Chen
PhD student
Arizona State University
I am a PhD student in GIScience interested in GeoAI and web-based visualization.
Sizhe Wang
PhD student
Arizona State University
I am a PhD student in computer science specializing in cyberinfrastructure, 4D data visualization…
Kate Hohman Billmeier
External Evaluator
Wellspring Group Consulting, LLC
Together with Caleb, Kate helped found Wellspring Group Consulting. Kate believes that local…
Caleb Billmeier
External Evaluator
Wellspring Group Consulting, LLC
Co-founder of Wellspring Group Consulting, he and Kate are the driving force behind the vision…
Minu Mathew
Research Software Engineer, National Center for Supercomputing Applications(NCSA) at University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
I’m a Research Software Engineer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications(NCSA) at…
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
Senior Research Software Engineer, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
I am a Senior Research Software Engineer at NCSA. My educational background and experience are in…
Ben Galewsky
Sr. Research Software Engineer, National Center for Supercomputing Applications(NCSA) at University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
After working for several years as an IT Consultant in industry I’ve happily switched to a career…
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